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The Recommendations

Radford Army Ammunition Plant Project Recommendations

Looking Ahead

During interviews, interviewees were given the opportunity to provide recommendations for the arsenal. Their recommendations centered around themes of the need for environmental protection, a desire to safeguard public health, and requests for more data on pollution and greater transparency.

More specifically, recommendations included conducting more continuous air and water monitoring of contaminants like particulate matter, dioxins, and furans, including at Belview Elementary School in Montgomery County, Virginia; monitoring lead and nitrates with the use of bio-indicators; and making the results publicly accessible.

Unlike our interviews, our survey did not have a question inquiring about recommendations. However, survey respondents registered concerns regarding discharges to the New River, the open burning ground, occupational hazards, and noise. This input should inform the arsenal’s continued efforts.

Further research is needed to determine if such large releases of contaminants into the New River are of concern for drinking water. The 2015 ATSDR report’s conclusions on drinking water used data from 1992 and 2013, so we recommended more updated primary data on private wells in nearby communities. The ATSDR also encourages well owners to test their water periodically to ensure their drinking water is safe.

In a 2018 report by the DEQ and Virginia Tech, the concentrations of PCBs released from the arsenal into the New River were listed as “varies.” More data is needed to determine the volume of PCBs released by the arsenal. Also, the EPA’s groundwater monitoring program requires monitoring to be done semi-annually at minimum; these reports should be made public and easily accessible on the DEQ’s arsenal website. Lastly, community members suggest the implementation of a noise/vibration public alert system.