2019 Recovery-to-Work Program
Barriers to Employment for People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder

Project Focus
Partnering with Virginia Rural Health Association, students conducted research on recovery-to-work programming needs and opportunities in Southwest Virginia.
Substance abuse and its sequelae are widespread, increasing, and much higher in Appalachia versus non-Appalachian areas. This increase in substance abuse, particularly opioid addiction, presents numerous challenges to rural Appalachia communities in Virginia, particularly as it relates to services needed, and often not available, for persons in recovery.
Project Overview
In this year's project students identified and prioritized barriers and potential solutions to providing recovery-to-work programs in Southwest Virginia. They then gathered data through conducting and coding interviews with people in recovery and with recovery experts. Based upon analysis of their research, the students devised recommendations in three areas: government-sponsored harm reduction practices, employer practices, and collegiate practices. To better understand the issues they conducted a literature review.
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