The Findings
Recovery To Work Project Findings
Project Impact
We expect to gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities for designing and implementing sustainable recovery-to-work programs in the New River Valley. We expect results to be applicable to Appalachian Virginia and possibly beyond. The impact and sustainability of the project’s outcomes will be reinforced by working in close collaboration with VRHA, which has worked on rural health issues in Appalachia Virginia for over 25 years and which has ongoing projects addressing the opioid crisis in Appalachian Virginia. Students will gain skills and confidence in: 1) engaging health care and employment service providers, those seeking services, and the public, 2) designing and implementing key informant interviews, 3) communicating public health information, and 4) describing and critiquing the roots of the opioid crisis.
Overview of Findings from Interviews
Interviews with people in the community were the most unique and valuable asset to the research. Interviews were transcribed and then the data was compiled into a coding sheet for analysis. These findings were combined with the literature review results to develop the final recommendations.
One of the major findings was that 7 of the 11 interviewees reported stigma as a primary barrier to recovery for people in the NRV. Stigma can have various meanings and applications within the recovery ecosystem model; and we will be addressed in the findings of state and local policies, employer resources, and collegiate findings.
Findings related to our areas of focus can be found in the links below.